HDA supports calls for early planning for the 2024/2025 flu vaccination season
London, 25 October 2023: The HDA has signed a joint letter to Health Secretary Steve Barclay MP calling on the Department of Health and Social Care, the UK Health Security Agency and NHS England to begin planning the 2024/2025 winter vaccination programme as soon as possible in order to ensure that plans are well established ahead of the 2024/2024 flu season.
The letter was also signed by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, vaccine manufacturer CSL Seqirus, NHS Confederation Primary Care Network, and the Dispensing Doctors’ Association.
Alastair Buxton, Director of NHS Services at Community Pharmacy England, said:
“Community pharmacy teams always plan their winter vaccination provision many months before the autumn. This year their efforts were hampered in August when NHS England moved the goalposts on the flu vaccination service start date, only to change its mind again a couple of weeks later. This was a shambolic start to the vaccination programme and caused unnecessary work and hassle for pharmacy owners and their teams. This sort of policy to-ing and fro-ing must not be repeated and we hope to begin constructive conversations with NHS and the Government very soon to help next year’s programme run more smoothly for all.”