Committee Update – February 2016
2015 saw the Association’s various Committees and Working Parties continue to thrive, with increased attendance, breadth and remit. These bodies are an important part of the Association’s work, an element only set to expand with the launch of the Healthcare Distribution Association (HDA UK). We would like to extend a warm ‘thank you’ to those of you who take the time to attend and contribute to these regular meetings – our Association is stronger for your professional input.
Last year was marked by regulatory and policy milestones which have many implications for the healthcare supply chain. The RP committee was greatly absorbed by changes at the European level, mainly the EU medical devices regulation and the Falsified Medicines Directive. While the former is still in the drafting stage, members have kept a close eye on the Falsified Medicines Directive which is expected to be finally published this month. An early staging post for the UK Medicines Verification Organisation (UK MVO) will be to choose an IT provider to support the implementation of the Directive.
The Association project team continued their work updating stock communications, with the intention of introducing standard codings and messages for simplified and better communication between the different parts of the supply chain. Pharmacy PMR systems providers, manufacturing and pharmacy representatives are now fully engaged as well.
The RP committee continued to enjoy a constructive relationship with the MHRA, in order that important GDP issues can be identified and discussed with a good cross-section of the medicines supply chain sector. Meetings with the MHRA have also enabled our members to have a better understanding of GDP inspection requirements, as well as identify areas for improvement. The MHRA was also present for our RP training held at the end of last year which focused on Quality Management Systems.
Issues surrounding storage and transportation of medical devices, the recurrence of medicine shortages and the good flow of information through the supply chain have remained a strong focus for the Members Liaison Group (MLG). With three meetings last year at Phoenix in Birmingham, Alloga in Derbyshire and BAPW HQ in London, the MLG acts as a platform for members to discuss the current issues faced by the pharmaceutical supply chain, exchanging experiences and good practice recommendations. The discussions foster the collaborative benefits of our Association. Associate members who would like to attend the MLG should contact Victoria Chartier, on